
I am an active 50yr old competing in a number of cycling sportives throughout the years, as well as swimming, running and walking, and have developed interest in triathlon.

You can imagine the psychological frustration following snapping my Achilles tendon while running in my last triathlon, as this resulted in an operation and being in a cast for over 8 weeks. I went from being active on a daily basis to zero exercise, being dependant on crutches I became totally disempowered!

Following contacting BLOCCS I was able to return to swimming, it was a sanity saver, once I arranged transport. I used the product 3-4 times a week for a mile swim, plus a few sets, at a time with the use of a pull buoy to aid hip/leg buoyancy. DURATION-45mins -60 mins session-Swimming crawl. FREQUENCY-3-4 times a wk. Slight dampness to top and btm(toes) cast dressing, not the actual cast but the dressing occurred, but I’m convinced this was mostly due to sweat not leakage. I solved this by a little talcum powder to my toes and at the top of cast prior to wearing the cast protector.

Sitting on the edge of the pool and squeezing the air out of the protector allows it to fit reasonably tight to the cast, minimising the balloon effect. My pool sessions were only up to an hour at a time but I wouldn’t hesitate using it for longer sessions. I also used it when camping at a very muddy festival, marshalling at a tri event in torrential rain, a boat trip in the rain and of course showering and bathing. I have been 100% satisified with this product and have posted details on three facebook/forums I belong to and have been an advocate of your product, I have been approached on a number of occasions and have recommended your product.

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