“One of the best travelled Bloccs’ protectors ever!”

“One of the best travelled Bloccs’ protectors ever!”

We love hearing about how our award-winning Bloccs’ protectors save holidays worldwide. As specialists in the creation of dry suit seals and bespoke rubber fittings for medical products, we’ve used our expertise to develop the range and are proud of their positive impact on people’s lifestyles. The following review from Mairead O’Driscoll shows that Bloccs’ protectors aren’t just for keeping a wound or cast dry in the shower or pool – they’re great for all sorts of water sports too. That’s why our international sales are increasing dramatically and why we’re delighted so many adults and children in countries as far afield as the USA, Australia and now the Middle East are using Bloccs to continue having fun.

This is what Mairead wrote (and we love the photos as well!)


“On 9 March, two weeks before a holiday of a lifetime to the Philippines I broke my hand. Once I recovered from the initial shock and realised that I would be spending 6 weeks in a cast, I did a quick Google search to find something that would allow me to partake in all the water activities that the Philippines offers. I stumbled upon your product, quickly read some reviews and purchased a short arm waterproof cast protector. I then prayed that it would reach me in Abu Dhabi before I left for my holidays. Fortunately, it arrived just in time!


“Despite it stating clearly that the protector is not designed for diving, snorkelling and the likes, I felt I would put it to the test and see what it was really made of. I am glad to tell you it most definitely survived snorkelling and diving (cliff diving to be precise), as well as helmet diving, canyoneering, boat parties, island hopping and parasailing.




“I would have been lost without it for those two weeks, it was an essential every time I left to go anywhere just in case an unexpected adventure arose! It most definitely #savedmyholiday.


“It also made a trip to Jordan with me and made an appearance in the Dead Sea. It has to be one of the best travelled Bloccs products ever. Thank you, thank you for coming up with such an excellent product and making it available all over the world!


“Although I'm happy to be cast free now, I will miss my protector, it served me well!”

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