Heidi - USA

Heidi - USA

Amazing product alert!!

Just 7 days before our family vacation last week, our sweet Elise fell off our brand new play set and broke her arm. 😭😭😭 It was so devastating for us!

More devastating, however, was learning that in this day and age, there are not better, waterproof casting options - even through one of the top orthopedic offices in the state. They simply do not recommend the ones out there due to proven issues. This is our first broken bone...I couldn't even believe it! I am pretty sure the ortho was annoyed with all of my questions. The beach is seriously one of her favorite places on EARTH. I could not stomach the idea of her missing out on all of the fun!!!!

To the internets I went. I found these waterproof cast covers from Bloccs. OH MY WORD!!! These are amazing!!! They form a watertight seal around the arm (or leg!) above where the cast ends and fit like a glove. I held my breath the first time she ran out and plopped in the sand at the water's edge. She then spent 6 days straight in the sand and water with 100% success.

Not one single grain of sand made it into her cast.

Not one drop of water seeped inside.

The cover did not sustain one knick of damage.

All of that, despite VIGOROUS wear, use, and reuse multiple times a day. We are SO THANKFUL! So, if any of y'all ever need a cast cover, even for bathing - this thing WORKS! Bonus pic of Elise rocking the cover. Thank you Bloccs for saving our family vacation and giving our girl the opportunity to enjoy her favorite things!!

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