Press release:  A summer suitcase essential for kids with plaster casts

Press release: A summer suitcase essential for kids with plaster casts

A summer suitcase essential for kids with plaster casts

• 74 per cent of Brits will go on holiday in 2016.

• But a swim in the pool and sea will be off limits for the 37,000 kids with

broken bones, bandages or plaster casts.

• Bloccs Waterproof Protectors stretch over a cast or bandage to keep

injured arms and legs bone dry, in the shower, bath or swimming pool.


SPLASHING about in the pool needn’t be off limits for children holidaying with broken bones this summer – provided a Bloccs Waterproof Protector is in the suitcase.

Each year thousands of children are admitted to hospital with broken bones, only to hear they’ll need to keep their plaster casts and bandages completely dry to prevent them falling apart – putting paid to a swim in the sea or pool while on holiday.

This summer a British invention with a royal stamp of approval could be the suitcase essential for parents wanting to help their injured kids get back into the swim of things.

Bloccs Waterproof Protectors are a range of reusable waterproof arm and leg protectors which stretch over a cast or bandage to form a watertight seal, allowing kids (big and small) to continue to shower, bathe and even swim with complete confidence.

The waterproof covers have proven so popular that earlier this year they were awarded the 2016 Queen’s Award for Enterprise - the UK’s highest accolade for business success.

Kate Richards, co-director of the family run business behind Bloccs, said: “Every day, we receive happy comments and reviews from customers, who’ve been delighted to find these products – which enable them to have fun, and continue their lives as normal while recovering from an injury.

“74 per cent of the population plans on taking a holiday this year. Amongst these numbers, unfortunately, will be thousands of ill-timed injuries.

“But not to worry. Our customers are telling us that Bloccs are saving their holidays – so packing one of these will help ensure that the pool and the beach aren’t off limits for those who have been fitted with a cast or dressing.”

Michelle Glenister, who is both a mother and orthopaedic nurse working in a fracture clinic, said:

“When my son broke his wrist two weeks before our family holiday and was plastered up to his armpit, I was gutted thinking he wouldn't be able to swim and our holiday would be ruined.

“A friend recommended Bloccs and our holiday was saved. Excellent product - it has allowed my son to swim everyday.”

Another happy note sent to the team behind the waterproof protectors, from mother-of-two Nancy Sproston, read:

“Just back from our holiday. My daughter broke her ankle five days before we went. I think our holiday would have been completely ruined without your cast cover as she is such a water baby. She swam every day, including in the sea. Fab invention, would thoroughly recommend!”

Bloccs waterproof protectors slip over injured arm or leg casts as easy as a glove or a stocking. They are reusable and available in adult and child sizes, from and

The waterproof protectors have been developed by Precision Dippings Manufacturing. The rubber seals the company uses for Bloccs derive from the same material technology it uses to develop watertight wrist, ankle and neck seals for the world’s top drysuit manufacturers.


*80 per cent of Brits took a holiday either in the UK or abroad in 2013, according to the ABTA Consumer Trends Survey 2014: ns/Travel_Trends_2015_Report.pdf

*According to the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC), 37,186 children (under 16s) were admitted to hospital in England last year with fractured bones.

*According to the BDRC Continental, 74 per cent of people planning on taking a holiday in 2016

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