Anita - Australia

Anita - Australia

After 6 weeks of end of season downtime from my sons passion of swimming he was very much looking forward to getting back into the pool to commence training and hitting some goals he had set for himself, this was until the Sunday before training was due to start up again he went motorbike riding with his dad... this didn’t quite go to plan and both my husband and son ended up with broken left wrists. My son was devastated, this meant another 6 weeks out of the pool and his beloved sport. Thankfully we stumbled across this awesome product as it has allowed my son to get back into training without having to wait until his cast is removed. He wore it this morning in a 90 minute training set - even managed to do a small butterfly set. When we removed the sleeve the cast was completely dry underneath. We are extremely happy with this product and wouldn’t hesitate in recommending it to others.

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