Anna Spiers - Porec, Croatia.

Anna Spiers - Porec, Croatia.

Bloccs genuinely saved our summer holiday. My daughter broke her arm a few weeks before we left and was left with a plaster cast up to her elbow. We had booked a trip to Croatia based around the sea and pool. We bought the shorter arm protector for children 4-7 that reached happily past the cast and half way up her upper arm. It fit perfectly in place and was used day in day out for a whole 2 weeks - in the sea, in the pool, in the shower, in the bath - she even para sailed with it on!

Our holidays carried on as normal and her broken arm was the talk of the hotel. People were amazed by the protector and her plaster cast remained dry and in tact.

I honestly cannot recommend it enough or thank Bloccs enough.

star rating: 5

caption: No broken arm could stop Martha!

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