Introducing Jade

Introducing Jade

We’re very pleased to introduce Jade Walker, an undergraduate from the University of the West of England, who has joined us for the summer.

Jade has recently completed a two-month internship with the company and it’s been such a positive experience, we’ve asked her to stay until she resumes her studies in September.

Our busy summer season has continued into a second record month, so it’s great to have another member of the team, helping with customer orders, promotional materials, handling product deliveries and manning the phones.

For other businesses in the area considering internships, we would highly recommend the UWE Bristol Internship Scheme. Comprehensive information is available from its website and the process - from registering interest, to interviewing, to completion - is well managed.

Jade’s a valued member of the team here and we have been delighted with her performance and progress during her internship.

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