Don’t let a break spoil a break! Top tips for saving your family holiday…

Don’t let a break spoil a break! Top tips for saving your family holiday…

You’ve dusted off the suitcases, bought the sun tan lotion and checked the passports. Then, disaster, you or one of the family goes and breaks a limb or needs a wound dressing that has to be kept dry. What about all those dreams of stress-free hours spent in the pool or sea? This isn’t what you bargained for! Help!!

The first thing to remember is that a cast or dressing doesn’t necessarily need to end your plans. Whilst appropriate care will need to be taken in order to look after the affected limb, with a few top tips to bear in mind and the right products you can still head off on that long-awaited holiday.

Top tips for not letting a break spoil a break:

1. The first thing you’ll need to think about is whether you’re flying to your chosen destination. Whilst most airlines will let you fly if your cast has been on for at least 48 hours (due to the fact that there is a risk of swelling following the cast first being fitted), advice should be sought from the doctor treating the injury (if given the go ahead, it’s always a good idea to ask for a doctor’s note), before getting in touch with your airline and insurer to inform them of the situation.

2. The next issue could be sitting on that plane. If you’re dealing with a leg cast that covers the knee, you may need to enquire about booking additional seats in order to have the leg room required. Remember, whilst reserving a place in one of the emergency exit rows may seem like a good idea, the cabin crew are unlikely to allow you to stay there unless they’re happy that you could leave the plane easily.

3. Time to think about your transport at the other end. Whilst this won’t cause an issue for many of those dealing with a broken bone or wound – anyone sporting a full leg or knee cast may need to give a little more thought to how they plan to travel to their accommodation. With various travel options available in most locations - including wheel chair friendly taxis - this shouldn’t halt your plans providing you’ve thought and booked ahead.

4. Likewise, if you’re planning to stay at a hotel and have additional requirements due to your injury, it’s best to speak to them ahead of your stay to check they have the facilities you require such as lifts or an easily accessible room.

5. Now that the practicalities of getting to and from your holiday are sorted, it’s time to think about what you’ll need once you’re there. Whilst you’d be forgiven for thinking that enjoying the beach and water is now off the agenda – that no longer needs to be the case! Head to our products page and you’ll find a range of reusable rubber cast covers that remain watertight even when fully submerged under water – allowing you to swim, shower and bathe as normal whilst keeping your arm or leg bone dry (and free of sand!). It’s a good idea to take a spare too – keeping one for outdoor adventures and one for indoors. Click here to read some reviews.

6. Finally, have fun! Whilst you will need to look after the affected limb, cast or dressing, it doesn’t need to spoil your holiday!

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