Gina joins the Bloccs’ team on marketing internship

Gina joins the Bloccs’ team on marketing internship

Gina McCombe, from Trowbridge, has joined our team on a marketing internship.

Gina graduated from the University of the West of England with a degree in English Literature this July. Interested in marketing as a career, she saw the post advertised on a university noticeboard and successfully applied.

The placement is part of the Santander Universities SME Internship Programme and will last until February 2020.

“It’s a great experience and everyone is really lovely,” said Gina. “My job involves keeping in touch with hospitals and medical professionals in Australia and the US to make sure they have everything they need when letting patients know about Bloccs waterproof protectors and how invaluable they are in keeping casts and dressings dry.

“The work is very interesting and I feel very privileged to be working with a company that has just won a second Queen’s Award for Enterprise.”

Santander partners with 83 universities from around the UK and helps fund the appointment of up to 60 interns each year.

“We’re delighted to be part of the Santander scheme and to welcome Gina,” said Director Kate Richards. “She’s been with us for just over a month now and is already proving a great asset.”

Bloccs’ covers are fully watertight, allowing users who need to keep a cast or dressing dry to swim, shower and bathe normally.

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