Look out for us at the American Orthopaedic Association meeting

Look out for us at the American Orthopaedic Association meeting

The American Orthopaedic Association (AOA) will be holding its annual leadership meeting from 25-29 June in San Diego, California and we’ll be having a stand there.

The AOA equips orthopaedic surgeons with the knowledge and skills they need to lead effectively in the ever-changing landscape of the health care environment. As an event that focuses on the leadership, academic, and critical issues associated with the specialty, we believe it’s the perfect opportunity to show delegates just how effective Bloccs’ waterproof covers are in protecting casts, dressings and PICC lines.

“One of the most frequently asked questions when a child or adult breaks a bone is ‘how can I keep my plaster cast dry?’”, says Business Development Consultant Hannah Prickett. “That’s why we developed Bloccs. As specialists in the manufacturing and development of rubber dipped products, we applied our expertise to the problem and came up with a solution that has since been recognised with two Queen’s Awards for Enterprise.

“Our unique range of leg, arm and elbow protectors has been specifically designed to be comfortable, re-usable and, above all, watertight – allowing patients to swim, bathe and shower normally. They are now listed for prescription in the UK and are selling well in America, as well as other countries worldwide. That’s why we want to make medical professionals aware of Bloccs – giving them the chance to see them and find out more for themselves.”

The Bloccs’ team have just returned from the Royal College of Nursing Congress in Liverpool, UK.

“We met lots of nurses and healthcare experts and were delighted with their very positive feedback on our products,” says Hannah. “Now we’re looking forward to welcoming AOA delegates to our stand in San Diego.”

Bloccs’ protectors can be ordered online in the USA from here.  They can also be purchased direct from Amazon’s US site.

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