Lachlan achieves number one ranking!

Lachlan achieves number one ranking!

We’re very proud to announce that one of the athletes we sponsor, kayaker Lachlan Bassett, is now ranked number one junior C1 paddler in Australia.

Lachlan-Bassett-1The C1 category requires navigating waves, holes and riverbed rocks while racing down white water courses that can be up to five miles long. Lachlan’s new official position follows a hugely successful summer in which he has won both the Australian national junior C1 title and the Oceania Trophy for Australia and New Zealand. He also came third in the Australian Open, behind a Czech Republic finalist and an American paddler.

Lachlan’s results have qualified him to represent Australia at the ICF Junior and Under 23 World Championships in Bratislava, Slovakia, in July 2017. In preparation, he will be travelling to Europe in June to race and train in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

If all that wasn’t enough, Lachlan competed in the Australia National Wildwater Championships with his brother Kaylen and they have qualified together for the Australian U23 Wildwater team. That means the brothers will be competing at the ICF Junior and U23 Wildwater Championships in Mur, Austria, this July too.

Lachlan-Bassett-2Another Australian summer highlight for Lachlan this year has been meeting and getting to know British Olympic gold medallist Joe Clarke. “He was incredibly friendly and helpful,” said Lachlan.

Having only started kayacking when he was thirteen, seventeen-year-old Lachlan is clearly very talented, determined and hard-working and we’re delighted to be able to offer him continuing support. He is the son of Jill Bassett who distributes our Bloccs products in Australia.

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