Our July Video and Photo Contest Winner!

Our July Video and Photo Contest Winner!

We’ve had a hectic summer and based on this months entries to our photo competition we’re far from alone. That’s why we’re pleased to announce our July Video and Photo Contest winner as Jordan who submitted a fantastic video of their son enjoying various water based activities despite his broken wrist.

In a tale as old as time Jordan’s son broke his wrist whilst swinging on the monkey bars at school. Unfortunately, he had extremely bad timing as it was right on the cusp of summer. He was placed in a cast for at least six weeks but with temperatures reaching a record high across the US Jordan and her family faced a miserable, pool free summer.

Originally searching for something just to make showering a little easier Jordan turned to Amazon where she came across Bloccs®. Deciding to do a little more research, Jordan looked at the customer reviews where she discovered that the covers were great for beach trips. The positive reviews soon convinced Jordan so after measuring her son she went ahead and purchased a cover.

After testing in the shower Jordan gained the confidence to take things to the pool. Not only did her son get to cool off but he got to join in on all the summer activities including adventures at lakes, creeks and splash parks! The cover even protected the cast from the rain. What had begun as a potentially boring summer turned into something just as exciting as promised.

“My son continued his summer as normal thanks to you guys! He swam, we went to the beach, we went to lakes and creeks and splash parks. It’s even come in handy for rain protection!” - Jordan

As the winner Jordan was gifted a $200 Amazon Voucher – right in time for the school term to start again.

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