Susan -UK

Susan -UK

Our little girl Hayley broke her elbow 5 days before we were due to fly out to Majorca. After a touch and go situation of being given permission by the orthopaedic consultant to fly, we were given the go ahead alongside a leaflet for the Bloccs full arm protector. We purchased it on the Saturday evening at 5pm and it arrived Sunday evening at 6:30pm. After a skeptical dip in the pool on our first day and an accidental full dip of the arm under the water her arm remained completely dry. Now I was more relaxed, she spent 80% of her time in the pool! She had an amazing first holiday abroad thanks to Bloccs! You literally #savedourholiday thank you so much!

Loving life with my Bloccs protector!

Susan Crawford 05.06.17 - Hayley

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