A warm welcome to triathlete Gemma

A warm welcome to triathlete Gemma

We’re delighted to introduce Gemma Collings – a triathlete who is busy preparing for next season.

Gemma began her triathlon career four years ago, coming from a running background and completing eight marathons, numerous half marathons and other on and off road races.

She’s a keen member of Chippenham Triathlon, Chippenham Harriers and Chippenham Wheelers and competes at all distances – from sprint right up to full distance, although she tells us standard and middle distances are her preference.

Gemma competes in the 45-49 age group and last year qualified for the European’s at standard distance, which are being held in Kitzbhuel next June. She also enjoyed a podium finish at Wimberball 70.3 in July. She’s looking forward to racing Dubai 70.3 in January next year and Alpe d’Huez in July – amongst plenty of other races. The triathlon season begins again in May.

As is often the way in sport, Gemma’s suffered some nasty injuries – breaking a shoulder after coming off her bike mid-way through the Iron Man UK course, and sustaining an injury to her arm which needed stitches – which frustratingly happened just weeks before a race.

Gemma explains: “I wish I’d known of Bloccs and their products earlier, I would have benefitted tremendously during my recovery.” She adds, “my son recently broke his ankle in two places – resulting in plaster up to his knee. The leg cover is invaluable and makes life much easier. The products are very exciting!”

When Gemma has time, she also enjoys coaching – being an athletics coach and leader in running fitness. Training takes priority though, especially with qualifying races coming up next year.

We’re looking forward to following Gemma’s progress and supporting her where we can. We wish her every success for the 2017 triathlon season!

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