May Video and Photo Contest Winner!

May Video and Photo Contest Winner!

This month’s Video and Photo Contest winner is Ivan for his fantastic video of his son Obbie enjoying pool time despite his broken arm.

Like many children, Obbie was playing in the school playground when he broke his arm. Typically a very active kid, Obbie had to wear a cast for two weeks and keeping him out of the water proved to be a challenge. This is where Bloccs® came in.

Wanting their son to enjoy the water Ivan turned to Amazon to attempt to find a solution. Originally hesitant having never tried anything like this before, they measure Obbie’s arm to be sure they found the right cover. The Small Child Short arm turned out to be the perfect size!

Originally excluded from playing in the pool with his siblings, once Obbie got his cover he was unstoppable. He jumped into the pool, swam and just had fun in the water all despite the broken arm. The cover even matched his swim float vest!

To protect the cover from the rough edges of the cast as well as a for a little bit of extra comfort a sock was used underneath the cover. The cast remained dry the entire time.

As the winner of our contest Ivan was gifted a $200 Amazon voucher – which has come at just the right time for a certain somebody’s birthday!

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