Bloccs® Sponsors: AIOT "Back to Basics" Casting Symposium


The Australian Institute of Orthopaedic Technologists (AIOT) is an Australian association for orthopaedic and casting personnel. The AIOT keeps members up to date with casting information by hosting workshops, lectures and information evenings. Their mission is to improve the skills and knowledge of orthopaedic and cast technicians throughout Australia.

Bloccs® Sponsorship

For the first time since 2019 the AIOT hosted their “Back to Basics” Casting Symposium at Cairns Hospital, Queensland. We were honoured to be sponsoring the event for the second time.

Events likes these help to spread awareness of Bloccs® throughout the medical community. Especially as we were given the opportunity to have our own stand showcasing Bloccs®.

Our stand looked fabulous with its branded banners and table cloth. All delegates received a delegate pack with leaflets and stickers. To help introduce Bloccs® we even had a “model” wearing a couple of the arm covers.

Brittany the Mannequin made quite the impact modelling the casts and dressing in scrubs. She was even given a wig and sunglasses!

About Bloccs®

Bloccs® Waterproof Covers are designed to keep casts and dressings dry whilst showering swimming and bathing through the use of a skin tight seal.

Perfect for use around the home or away, we have a wide range of covers available to encompass a variety of needs. All covers are available to buy through either our website or Amazon.

Do you have an event coming up at your hospital/medical centre that you think we would be interested in? Let us know you; you can contact us here.

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