Bloccs helps kayaker paddle to glory

Bloccs helps kayaker paddle to glory

THE technology that makes Bloccs protectors waterproof comes from our expertise in making wrist, ankle and neck seals for dry suit manufacturers all over the world.

So, when we were asked to sponsor a young kayaker who uses them daily, we jumped in head-first.

Next month Lachlan Bassett, 16, will represent the Australian Junior Kayak Team at the ICF Junior World Championships in Poland, where he’ll be hoping to paddle to glory with the Bloccs logo emblazoned on his racing equipment.

We’re proud to be able to lend our support and give our unique seal of approval, to a young sportsman who uses our watertight technology in the most extreme of environments.


“It’s great to have a sponsor that understands my sport and is as passionate as I am about keeping dry,” said Lachlan, who has only been kayaking since he was 13.

Lachlan participates a variety of kayaking disciplines, but his passion lies in C1 racing. Success depends on an athlete’s ability to pass over waves, holes and riverbed rocks while racing down white-water courses sometimes up to five miles long.

Lachlan, whose mother is a distributor of Bloccs protectors in Australia, added:

“You have to be super fit and it can be dangerous, but hopefully I won’t need a Bloccs protector any time soon.

“When I was a little younger I tried lot of safer sports, but when I was introduced to paddling I was hooked.

“I now train six days a week – or seven if my parents let me!

“The hard work has definitely paid off, and I hope to do my country, and Bloccs, proud when I compete in Europe next month.”

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