Jo - UK two

Jo - UK two


After breaking his arm just a week before our holiday, our 4 year old son was heartbroken at the thought of not being able to swim and splash about in the pool. As parents we wondered how we’d get through the week!

We found the Bloccs waterproof protective arm cover on amazon and it arrived the following day. We were a little nervous on the first day of our holiday in case of any leakages, but amazed that after a full day of jumping in and out of the pool his cast was completely dry. We were able to relax for the rest of the week whilst our boys played and splashed about as normal.

We would 100% recommend this product, it absolutely saved our holiday and put a smile back on our boys face, thank you so much!

We’d also like to thank the staff at Telford’s Princess Royal Hospital, in particular the A&E staff for rushing him through and making him comfortable and the orthopaedic team for providing such speedy surgery and excellent all round care.

#savedourholiday #bloccs #thankahospital

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